There are many layers to humans. Physical, emotional, spiritual. Often these layers are looked at separate from each other when really, they tie into one another perfectly.
The soul resides at the inner core of the human body, personally I believe that is close to the heart. It is believed that the soul is an invisible, transparent orb that is simply you. It is made up of your memories, core events in your life, experience and skill gained throughout life, what shapes your personality, actions, everything. I believe that the soul directly connects to the mind, the brain. They work hand in hand in order to allow the physical body to function on this plane, allowing you to have your own independent thoughts and complex, unique emotions. The brain can do amazing things with its own power, but ultimately it would be useless without a soul, without a vessel to the spiritual planes as well as your chakras. Since the soul can never die, where does it go when one's physical body dies? Heaven, hell, somewhere in between, nowhere at all? This is where the theory of reincarnation comes into play. The idea is that a soul always looks for a physical vessel to reside in, meaning when one dies, the soul moves onto the next. It is unclear how a soul chooses a physical being to reside in, though many believe some kind of higher power is involved and guides the soul to a proper being. Past lives also play a huge role when the soul makes its transition, the soul will go into a new body very carefully and with deep rooted reasoning within the universe. This is why every single human being is unique, whether they’ve lived on this earth before or not. Even if someone is an “old soul” meaning the soul that is currently inside of them has existed in many other bodies before, most past life memories are wiped during childhood and can only be accessed through past life regression meditation or hypnosis.
Everything that has occurred in one’s past lives will carry onto the current life, as souls hold onto almost everything, their space is infinite. This can range from fears and phobias, karmic patterns, as well as family and friends. Let’s say one has an extreme fear of deep water for no reason, there are no traumatic events or bad memories connected to water, so why would that fear be present? This is a link carried from a past life to the present, most likely that person drowned or had something traumatic occur relating to water in a past life. As for karmic patterns and family, these two tie into one another. Your soul picked your current family for a reason, there is a lesson to be learned through hardships. Karmic patterns are typically negative or toxic patterns you notice yourself doing, but aren’t sure why. These usually carry over from a past life, the more toxic they are, the longer you’ve been doing them. The results from your past lives create patterns in your current life, which is why self discovery and reflection is so important, especially if you wish to explore your past lives in a deeper state.
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